Tag: Recipes
Rosemary Lamb Chops
Without further delay … a simple and delicious lamb loin chop recipe that is sure to please … Ingredients: 1 tbsp unrefined virgin coconut oil 1 red or yellow onion, chopped 1 red or green pepper, sliced 4-6 lamb loin chops pinch of unrefined sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste 1/2 tsp dried…
Coconut Brown Rice Pudding
Breakfast, snack, dessert? You decide! This delicious rice pudding is a healthier alternative to the traditional white rice, milk and sugar. Sweetened with almond amasake and raw honey it’s packed with flavour and nutrients. Amasake is a fermented brown rice beverage which can be used as a natural sweetener and raw honey contains live enzymes…
Cinnamon Lamb Pasta Sauce
I know, it sounds strange, but it’s soooooooooo good. Lamb and cinnamon are really, really yummy together. Mmmmm I love pasta! To make up for the lack of vegetables in this dish we served it with mixed greens. Top with whatever colourful veggies you have on hand 🙂
Thai Green Curry
I long to go back to Thailand where ordering food is a breeze, luckily for me traditional Thai food is primarily gluten and dairy free! Wheat and dairy as we know it in North America is virtually non-existent in Thailand where the staples are rice, fresh fish, meat, vegetables and coconut milk. Taking Thai cooking…
Creamy Bacon & Shrimp Carbonara
Thinking that a creamy carbonara pasta sauce is off limits? Think again. I love taking a dish which is primarily made of gluten and dairy and making it completely safe for me to eat! Gluten and dairy free does not have to be as restrictive as you think. Nor does it have to be boring.…