Easy Peanut Butter Cookies

These soft and chewy flour-less peanut butter cookies satisfied my craving this morning. All I could think about was peanut butter when I woke up, so I decided to whip up a batch. This basic recipe that has been around since before my time is naturally gluten-free!

Being sensitive to the effects that white sugar has on my blood sugar levels I decided to replace it with my unrefined sugar that is full of naturally occurring minerals. It added a wonderfully rich and satisfying flavour to the cookies. Coupled with the fact that I used organic, natural peanut butter with no added ingredients these cookies aren’t all that unhealthy anymore!

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Coconut Brown Rice Pudding

Breakfast, snack, dessert? You decide! This delicious rice pudding is a healthier alternative to the traditional white rice, milk and sugar.

Sweetened with almond amasake and raw honey it’s packed with flavour and nutrients. Amasake is a fermented brown rice beverage which can be used as a natural sweetener and raw honey contains live enzymes which aid in the digestion of carbohydrates. Cinnamon is added, not only for it’s flavour, but for it’s ability to slow the rate at which the stomach empties after meals, reducing the rise in blood sugar after eating.

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