About Us

Rich Ralph & Crystal Di DomizioLiving Gluten-Free Community (LGFC) was founded in 2009 by two holistic nutritionists, Crystal Di Domizio and Rich Ralph. In 2007, shortly after becoming a nutritionist the previous year, Crystal was diagnosed with Celiac Disease after spending the majority of her childhood and adolescent years struggling with misdiagnosed ailments. Within days of removing gluten from her diet she experienced what felt like a miraculous recovery and her health continued to improve as long as she adhered to a 100% gluten-free diet. The smallest amount of cross-contamination would cause debilitating symptoms for up to 2 weeks. The combination of her personal and professional experience with Celiac Disease inspired her to dedicate the next 3 years of her career to counseling those who were newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivity by helping them transition to the gluten-free diet and teaching them how to live a happy and healthy GF lifestyle. Her husband, Rich, played a key role in her recovery as he also adopted a gluten-free diet at home in support of her journey. While he isn’t sensitive to gluten, he deeply understands the needs of someone living on a strict gluten-free diet and has provided endless inspiration for safe and healthy meals.

In 2009, after the pair had been living gluten-free for 2 years they decided to launch LGFC when they discovered there was a need and desire for access to ongoing education and support in Vancouver. With over 500 active members and small, intimate events the group continues to provide a supportive environment for people to connect, learn, grow and thrive.

Recent News:

Important Update: Healing My Gluten Intolerance: My Journey To Health

In preparation for motherhood and a desire to simplify her life and career before pregnancy, Crystal is happy to announce that her husband Rich Ralph who shares her passion in this area of nutrition, will be taking over the role of facilitator for Living Gluten-Free Community. Crystal will still be attending events but her main focus will be on building her primary business that supports women through their childbearing years with childbirth education classes, prenatal nutrition and labour support services. Here is the official newsletter announcement.


About Rich Ralph, R.BIE, RHN

Rich RalphFollowing in Crystal’s footsteps, Rich decided to further his education and become a Holistic Nutritionist. Coupled with his University degree in psychology, and his certification as a Registered Bio-Energetics Practitioner, studying nutrition has enabled Rich to connect with his clients on a deeper level and help them achieve their health goals. His education and experience working with allergies and intolerance’s gives Rich a unique set of skills which have helped his clients manage, and sometimes even overcome, their sensitivities. If you are looking for personal nutrition guidance, contact Rich directly to setup an individualized approach to well-being.